
Showing posts from January, 2016

"The Earth is Flat, Yo!" declares rapper B.o.B., who also thinks the Holocaust didn't happen.

"The Earth is Flat, Yo!" declares rapper B.o.B., who also thinks the Holocaust didn't happen. [He] also implores listeners to “Do your research on David Irving,” who is a Holocaust denier, and claims “Stalin was way worse than Hitler.”

Antifluoridation propaganda found on a street sign in Glen Park, San Francisco.

Antifluoridation propaganda found on a street sign in Glen Park, San Francisco. Designed to plant seeds of doubt in the unwary, ill-informed and/or those unable to distinguish disinformation from official notices. Note the effaced infowars URL. Is this scratched out to render the sign even more believable? Either way, this seems like an effective scaremongering tactic. Evil stuff.